
4 Unique Ways to Fund your Higher Education

Studying aboard to get an international degree is a significant step in your career. Fortunately, you now have innovative ways to fund your higher education abroad.

This article was originally published in The Financial Express

Studying abroad is usually associated with a lot of stress and financial burden for the family. You will have to cope with the additional stress of making sure that you are financially secure along with other and more important things like getting admission into the University of your choice, finding a place to stay, etc.

Fortunately, you now have innovative ways to fund your higher education abroad instead of the tried and high-pressure path of an education loan. These options allow you to focus on the real purpose of getting an international degree, help you excel at your studies, and create a network for job opportunities.

Read on to find out 4 unique ways to fund your higher education aboard without slashing your purse.

Student Exchange Programs

Many international colleges and universities now offer student exchange programs. This means you can complete a part of the program or a few semesters abroad and complete the balance back in India.

You will not only get international exposure and network with students from different cultures and nationalities, but also be able to reduce your overall tuition, accommodation, and other living costs significantly once you return to India for the remaining part of the program.

Grants and Scholarships

Though this might sound like old wine, the good news is that the number of grants now available for international students is much higher than before. Many Universities now offer fully paid scholarships for international students, including their accommodation and tuition fees, to attract a multi-cultural student base.

Keep a lookout for such grants and scholarships that you can apply to in a college of preference and write a good proposal on why you should be given the grant. With the growing number of students who are eligible and also get the grant, this is an often missed yet very lucrative way to fund your college education.

Teach while you learn

Many colleges and professors of those colleges need teaching assistants and interns to do their daily chores of lesson plans, assessments, and supporting students with additional classes, etc. You can opt for one of these roles and provide value to the professor for a paid internship or assistant teaching assignments.

This will not only give you the required money to pay for your tuition and other expenses but also help you gain an insider view of how a degree works. This can significantly help you in clearing your graduation with ease.

If joining the academia after completion of your degree is your aspiration, then this will also help you gain critical network and credibility in the college for a full-fledged teaching career.

Credit Transfer Options

You can also look for universities that allow you to move credits from your current university and therefore reduced tuitions and time required to spend abroad. These smart ways of credit use will still get you an international degree but also solve the issue of a heavy financial burden. Research about some such options from platforms like these.

Studying aboard to get an international degree is a significant step in your career. You will do well when the process is thought through and well researched. It does not have to keep you awake at night wondering about paying back the financial commitment through an education loan or does not have to add to your family’s stress of financial commitment. You can start with the advantage of an international qualification without the worry of funding. While pursuing your academics, spend most of your time and money in getting out with flying colors and building a network for your future.